Sitamarhi worker won Rs 1 crore on Dream 11 app, reached home immediately with flight ticket, will now start his business

Thousands of people try their luck on Dream 11 app but very few of them are able to become millionaires. A person resident of Sitamarhi has got the fortune of winning Rs 1 crore through this app. This winner is Chandrabhushan, son of Chandu Sah, resident of Bairagnia. Obviously he is very happy after winning.

Lives in Mumbai and works as a laborer with his father.

In this case, it has been informed that both father and son live in Mumbai and work as laborers in a company. As soon as he got the news of victory, he came to Sitamarhi by plane from Mumbai. He has informed that he had invested Rs 49 in Dream 11. While working in the company itself, he was told that he was running at number 1.

Later he is told that he has won Rs 1 crore. As soon as he received the news, he returned home and said that now he will not go to work as a laborer but will open his own business. The remaining money has also been sent to Chandrabhushan's account after deducting tax.

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