Spotless skin: Follow these home remedies to make your skin fair and spotless

Flawless Skin: Flawless fair and beautiful skin is the dream of every girl and woman. But due to different reasons, the skin starts becoming rough and dark. In such a situation, a home remedy proves useful to lighten the dark skin. By using this thing, not only the face but also the skin of elbows, neck, feet, knees gets cleaned. These are the parts of the body whose skin appears darker than the skin of the face. Dirt accumulates on the skin due to dead skin, dust etc. These home remedies can be tried to clean it and improve the complexion of the skin.

Tips to get rid of blemishes on face

There is no need to spend on expensive skincare products to get rid of any kind of blemishes on the skin. With the help of home remedies, you can enhance the beauty of not only the skin but the skin of the entire body. This work can be done with the help of lemon. Lemon helps in cleaning not only the face but also the body skin. With the help of lemon, the dark skin of the body also gets cleaned.

The perfect lemon remedy

If you want to clean the skin of your face as well as hands, feet, neck, elbows, knees and other parts of the body, then try this lemon remedy. Regular use of lemon in this way makes the skin color clear. For this, cut a slice of lemon and put a little sugar on it and massage it on the skin. You can also massage the skin with just lemon without sugar. Regular use of lemon in this way for ten minutes makes the skin spotless. However, do not use lemon directly on the face. Do a patch test before applying lemon on the face.

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