Strong earthquake tremors occurred in these states of the country! Click to know where and how much impact

New Delhi. Earthquake of 4.2 magnitude has been felt in Mahesana, Gujarat. Earthquake tremors were felt in some areas of Rajasthan, people came out of their homes in fear. Earthquake tremors were felt in Pindwara, Mandar Nimbaj area of ​​Revdar.

Earthquake tremors have been felt in Pindwara, Mandar Nimbaj area of ​​Revdar. As soon as the tremors of the earthquake were felt, people got scared and came out of their homes. Light earthquake tremors were felt at 10:17 pm on Friday night. Earthquake tremors have also been felt at many places in North Gujarat. Tremors were also felt in Patan, Banskantha, Jodhpur.

Tremors were felt in North Gujarat and Saurashtra. People came out of their homes in rural areas of Becharaji taluk. The earthquake was also felt in other areas of Harij, Sami and Patan. Tremors were felt in rural areas including Chandroda, Mandli, Ambala, Surpura of Bahucharaji taluk of Mehsana.

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