Sugar disease is very dangerous, these body parts may have to be amputated, always be alert…

New Delhi:- Diabetes is a fatal disease. This is a disease that is spreading rapidly all over the world including India. The number of people suffering from this disease is increasing rapidly. This disease is related to eating habits and lifestyle. At the same time, patients suffering from this disease have to face many types of health problems. The symptoms of this disease are quite common. Such as dry skin, itchy skin, irritability or behavioral changes, excessive hunger or thirst, frequent urination, extreme tiredness, blurred vision, tingling or numbness in hands, feet, or legs, wounds that are not healing Yes etc.
According to, diabetes patients may experience more bacterial and fungal infections than people without diabetes because their immune systems do not function properly. In this context, it is very important for diabetes patients to keep blood sugar level under control. Sometimes ignoring this symptom can be quite dangerous. Due to this, it may even lead to amputation of body parts.
In fact, according to an NHS report, the risk of amputation of body parts is 15 times higher in diabetes patients. This is because their body cannot repair tissue damage like before. Patients with type 1 diabetes have to face more danger than type 2 diabetes.
Why do arms and legs have to be amputated?
Actually, due to diabetes, the blood supply in the hands and feet reduces, due to which blood clots start forming in them and if they start shrinking, it can lead to gangrene. (Gangrene is a serious condition. In this special type of disease, tissues start getting damaged in certain parts of the body. Due to this, wounds start forming there, which keep spreading continuously. If this problem is not treated in time. , then this condition can be very frightening.) It occurs when body tissues die due to lack of blood supply. It can affect any part of the body, but most commonly affects the hands and feet.

Gangrene is detected much later when the nerves get blocked and non-healing wounds are formed. Later due to this surgery has to be done. After surgery, artificial legs are fitted to the patients. Therefore, it is better not to let the blood sugar level in your body become too serious, and keep checking from time to time. Along with this, do not ignore these symptoms also. According to a report, cases of amputation of hands and feet due to this disease among youth have increased rapidly in the last 10 years.

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