Taking calcium supplements for weak bones? Heart attack may occur, keep this in mind – ..

Declining bone health after the age of 30 is a natural process. Generally, after this age people have more problems related to bones and fractures. In such a situation, calcium is a nutrient which is very important to have in the right quantity in the body. It works to strengthen bones.

Although this can be accomplished naturally through food, some people also take supplements for it. If you are also using it then know that it can also cause heart attack.

Heart attack due to calcium supplements

According to the Mayo Clinic, some studies have found evidence that calcium supplements may increase the risk of heart attack. Actually, this supplement has a negative effect on the heart arteries, causing heart attack.

These people are most at risk

Women are more at risk of the weak bone disease osteoporosis than men. In such a situation, the intake of calcium supplements is also higher in women and there is a risk of side effects due to this. Especially menopausal women need to be more careful.

How much calcium supplement should one take?

According to the New York State Department of Health, it is best to consume 600 mg or less of calcium at a time.

Calcium supplements work to strengthen bones, but never consume them without expert advice. They can better determine the supplement dosage for you.

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