Techcombank’s marketer brings marathon mindset to banking

Here, she shares insights on the challenges and opportunities facing the brand, how technology and AI are shaping its future, and her personal passions that keep her grounded and motivated.

Thai Minh Diem Tu, Techcombank’s CMO. Photo courtesy of Tu

What are the biggest marketing challenges for Techcombank at the moment?

Techcombank is one of Vietnam’s leading private banks, with the vision “Change banking, change lives.” Last year marked our 30th anniversary, and in 2023, our brand reached a new milestone with a value of $1.4 billion, the highest of any private bank in Vietnam, according to Brand Finance. This success comes from a marketing strategy deeply rooted in Vietnamese culture and the desire of the Vietnamese people for autonomy and success on their own terms.

Our biggest challenge is ensuring the brand remains relevant and connected to these aspirations. We need to make sure our brand positioning resonates with the evolving needs of Vietnamese consumers, so they not only trust us but also love the bank. Our strategy focuses on themes that bring the brand closer to this aspirational consumer base. Today’s Vietnamese consumers are passionate about healthy living, self-development, and personal success.

At Techcombank, our goal is to help them achieve these ambitions. This year, we are running a campaign under the theme “Your Own Greatness,” designed to inspire people and align with our brand promise to “Be Greater” every day.

What are the biggest current opportunities for your brand?

Our “Be Greater” promise goes beyond being a tagline—it’s a commitment to our customers’ holistic growth. We’ve built a strong foundation around healthy living, but the next big opportunity is expanding this to self-development. We aim to empower every aspect of our customers’ lives, from personal health to financial success and beyond.

For us, it’s about understanding what drives our aspirational customers: what do they care about, what challenges they face, and what do they love doing? Then, we work to develop purpose-led marketing campaigns that support and empower them to achieve their dreams.

Another key opportunity is improving customer experience. Techcombank has made significant investments in technology and data, building one of the most advanced marketing tech stacks in ASEAN. This enables us to listen to customers, understand their needs, and deliver millions of personalized messages daily across digital touchpoints. Every interaction counts, and we’re making sure each one is meaningful.

Sustainability is also a priority, not just for us but for our customers. Incorporating sustainability into our “Be Greater” promise will be essential in the coming year.

Techcombank Hanoi Marathon has become quite a hallmark event in the city. Photo courtesy of Techcombank

Techcombank Hanoi Marathon has become a hallmark event in the city. Photo courtesy of Techcombank

Where is Techcombank investing its marketing budget this year?

Last year, we launched the year-long “30 Years of Greatness Together” campaign to celebrate the bank’s success and achievements with the Vietnamese people during our 30th anniversary. We were proud of how this campaign touched the hearts of millions of Vietnamese through digital art installations, social impact initiatives, and a combination of digital, social, and traditional media.

This year, the challenge is the same: doing more with the same budget, or even less. We’re doubling down on digital marketing, focusing on how we can use data and AI to enhance our efforts. Digital marketing is standard now, so the real game-changer is how we leverage AI and data to deliver sharper, more personalized experiences.

Another focus area is building Techcombank’s corporate brand internationally. We aspire to be a top 10 bank in ASEAN, and we are working toward creating a regional brand to match.

How is Techcombank using Gen AI for future-proof marketing efforts?

It’s still early days for generative AI, but we’re exploring how best to use it to empower our people. Day-to-day, we’re using Gen AI to speed up content creation, conduct research, and free up our teams to think more creatively about customer engagement. While the human touch remains vital, AI has massive potential to revolutionize how we deliver personalized experiences.

Beyond marketing, we’re also using AI and data to provide tailored customer experiences. Our mobile banking apps allow us to engage with customers quickly and easily, and we combine this with data-driven insights to deliver personalized marketing messages to millions of customers, cost-effectively.

We also have a fantastic data and analytics team that developed a large language model helping us translate documents from Vietnamese to English—an important tool given our international leadership team.

Tu and her family on vacation. Photo courtesy of Tu

Tu and her family on vacation. Photo courtesy of Tu

What is your hobby besides work?

I’m quite work-obsessed, but I find peace when I’m with my family or running marathons. I love sports, especially running. I have three children, and recently, we’ve developed a shared love for golf. It’s great to see my kids grow and thrive through sports, learning important life skills while we spend time together. Their motivation and drive inspire me to achieve more at Techcombank.

Running, in particular, is my form of meditation. I run every day, and on weekends I cover 25-30 km, reflecting on the week—what I did well, what I need to improve, and how I can be better the following week. Running gives me a different perspective on challenges and problems.

So far, I’ve completed the World Marathon Major events in Tokyo, Chicago, London, and Boston. My goal is to complete the Berlin and New York marathons in the next few years and become a Six Star Finisher.

How about your living habits?

Most nights, I’m so exhausted that I fall asleep quickly, as I wake up at 5 a.m. for a 10 km run before work. But when I do stay up late, it’s often because I’m thinking about how to better connect with our customers or how to craft campaigns like “My Own Greatness” that truly add value to their lives.

Staying on top of new technology also keeps me awake sometimes. The pace of innovation is relentless, and it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind. In marketing, we need to stay ahead of the curve, and while we’re not engineers, we must understand enough about emerging technologies to use them effectively in our campaigns.

Tu running in the London Marathon in 2022. Photo courtesy of Tu

Tu running in the London Marathon in 2022. Photo courtesy of Tu

What changes do you think the banking industry needs in terms of working culture?

I think the banking industry in Vietnam could learn from the tech sector, especially in terms of collaboration and creativity. There’s a lot we can gain by adopting more agile ways of working and fostering a more open, innovative environment.

How has Techcombank walked the talk on sustainability?

Sustainability is central to our “Be Greater” brand promise. One initiative we’re especially proud of is our “Run for Greater Vietnam” platform, where we host international marathons in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. These events promote healthy living while giving back to the community. By partnering with local governments, we’ve turned these marathons into powerful experiences that inspire thousands of people to embrace active lifestyles and push beyond their limits.

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