The benefits of mixing this thing in milk instead of sugar at night and drinking it are surprising, know

New Delhi : Sugar is also essential for our health to stay healthy. Sugar gives energy to our body, which gives us the strength to do our daily work. However, you must have heard a lot about the harm caused to health by eating sugar.

That is why people try to eliminate sugar from their diet. But it is also very difficult to live without eating sweets. Therefore, instead of sugar, you can make jaggery a part of your diet. Although jaggery should also be consumed in limited quantities, but it is not processed like sugar, due to which it is considered healthier than sugar.

Jaggery is made by boiling sugarcane juice and it undergoes less processing. In contrast, sugar has to go through many chemical processes, which reduces its nutrients. In this regard, jaggery is much better than sugar. Know its benefits for health.

Jaggery contains many nutrients as well as a good amount of iron, which helps in curing anemia. Apart from this, it also contains essential minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium. These benefits are not available by eating sugar. These nutrients are beneficial for bones, blood and overall health.

Jaggery and turmeric in milk helps in relieving joint pain. Because these three contain abundant amount of calcium which gives you relief from joint and bone pain

Jaggery contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in improving digestion. Along with this, it also strengthens the immune system, which protects against seasonal diseases.

Compared to sugar, eating jaggery increases the blood sugar level slowly, which gives a normal energy and the blood sugar level does not fluctuate rapidly. On the other hand, eating sugar gives instant energy. However, fatigue also sets in quickly after this. Consumption of sugar can be harmful especially for diabetic patients.

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