The people of Maharashtra will foil every conspiracy of Congress: PM Modi

Modi's aggressive stance against Congress – the people of Maharashtra will foil every such conspiracy

Mumbai pm narendra modi: BJP's confidence has increased after Haryana results. BJP leaders are seen attacking Congress, today Prime Minister Narendra Modi challenged the people of Maharashtra to foil every conspiracy of Congress. PM Modi inaugurated medical colleges and other works in Maharashtra.

Congress leaders are sitting with their mouths locked – Modi

Prime Minister Modi (pm narendra modi) said, Congress's formula is clear, Muslims have to be intimidated, intimidated. To convert into vote bank. To strengthen. Till date no Congress leader has ever asked how many castes there are among our Muslim brothers. sisters? As soon as the issue of castes comes up among Muslims, Congress leaders keep their mouth shut, but when it comes to Hindus, Congress starts discussing caste.

The policy of Congress is to keep one caste fighting against another in the Hindu society. Congress knows that the more Hindus divide, the more they will benefit. Congress wants to keep the fire burning in Hindu society. Because political bread can be baked anywhere in India, Congress adopts the same formula when elections are held.

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