There will be problem in property rights if women do not get this certificate made…

Today, it takes a lifetime's earnings to buy land and property. In such a situation, if you have to lose the rights to your property just because of not having a certificate, then it will be very bad. Therefore, to avoid this, married women must get this certificate made.

Real estate is not created again and again in life and people's entire life's earnings are spent in creating it. In such a situation, if women do not have this certificate, they may lose their property rights. Apart from this, you may have to face many problems from banking to other aspects of life. Therefore, married women must get this certificate made.

Here we are talking about marriage certificate. Even if you are married according to the customs and traditions of any religion. You must register your marriage. While marriage certificate removes the problems related to your property, it also gives you many other benefits. Marriage certificate protects property rights. If you are a married woman and you do not have a marriage certificate yet. Then you should get it made as soon as possible. If you do not have this certificate, then you may face problems in demanding property rights after the death of your husband. Many times in-laws can take advantage of the absence of a marriage certificate. He can also declare the marriage illegal and exclude the woman from her rightful property.

?In India, marriage is considered a sacred bond. But marriage certificate gives permanent legal recognition to the marriage. Nowadays most of the newly married couples are getting the marriage certificate made. Whereas a large female population of the country is not aware about its benefits and other procedures. Marriage certificate is very important for those women who do not change their surname after marriage. According to Section 8 of Hindu Marriage Act- 1955, Hindu marriage can be registered. However, this is not necessary in every state and according to Section 8, marriage is considered valid even without registration, because the validity of Hindu marriage depends on their rituals and customs.

This includes taking seven rounds, wearing Mangalsutra etc. Other disadvantages of not having a marriage certificate: According to the news of ET, if you do not have a marriage registration certificate, then the validity of your marriage is not affected, but it can cause many losses. For example, in case of domestic violence, torture or marital rape etc., there may be difficulty in registering a case. At the same time, you may have to face problems while getting a passport, settling abroad and travelling.

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