These are the 4 most expensive flowers in the world, you will be surprised to know their price

Most Expensive Flowers

Most Expensive Flowers: Flowers are used in every kind of ceremony, be it a wedding or a small function. Flowers help in making any occasion special. But do you know that the price of some flowers is so high that you cannot even buy them. There are many such rare and beautiful flowers found in the world, whose price goes into millions and crores.

It is very difficult to grow and take care of these flowers. This is why they are so expensive. Today, through this article, we will tell you about the 4 most expensive flowers in the world, so let's know.

Lily of the valley

lily of the valley

Lily of the valley, also known as 'Lily of the Valley', is famous all over the world for its lovely fragrance. This flower blooms only for a few weeks at the end of spring, which makes it even more special. This beautiful flower is found in cold regions around the world. Its delicate petals and sweet fragrance make it a very popular flower.



Glorisoya flower is not only beautiful but also quite expensive. Glorisoya is mainly found in hot and humid climate areas of Asia and Africa. Its unique petals and vibrant colors make it quite different from other flowers. Glorisoya is quite difficult to grow, which is why it is such a rare and expensive flower.

Juliet Rose


Juliet Rose is considered the most expensive rose in the world and the reason for this is its unique story. It takes more than 15 years to develop this rose. Taking such a long time to develop a flower is a big deal in itself. Many scientists and gardeners worked together to develop this rose and after many years of hard work, this beautiful rose was ready. This is the reason why it is considered the most expensive rose in the world.

Gold of Kinabalu Orchid


The Gold of Kinabalu Orchid is one of the rarest and most expensive flowers in the world. This orchid is found only in Kinabalu National Park in Malaysia. Due to its beauty and rarity, its price is very high. It is very difficult to grow this orchid and it grows very slowly. The most special thing about this flower is that it blooms only once in many years. Not only this, this orchid is also considered the national flower of Malaysia.


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