Potassium deficiency: These are the main symptoms seen when there is a deficiency of potassium in the body, consume these things to overcome the deficiency

Potassium deficiency: Potassium is one of the essential nutrients for the body. Its deficiency causes heart and BP related problems. According to health experts, potassium helps in strengthening the muscles. Lack of potassium in the body is known as hypokalemia. In this, the heart function does not work properly. Its deficiency can cause serious heart related problems like palpitations, heart attack etc.

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Iron deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. It can also help prevent calcification due to lack of calcium in the smooth muscle cells inside the heart arteries.

He says that this contributes to atherosclerosis, which causes the arteries to harden. If there is a lack of potassium in the body or you suffer from hypokalemia, then heart-related problems and symptoms can appear.

Due to lack of potassium, when there is a lack of potassium in the body, the affected person's heart beat suddenly increases and he also starts having trouble breathing. Apart from this, there is a problem of heart stopping, or in severe cases, sudden increase in heart beat.

To overcome the deficiency of potassium in the body, first of all include a diet rich in potassium. Include potassium-rich fruits like banana, potato, avocado and leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Dehydration can cause a deficiency of potassium in the body.

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