If bleeding is not stopping due to injury or cut, then these remedies may help, be sure to keep this information in mind.

Health Tips:Many times, while working at home, things like getting cut by a knife, getting a glass or any sharp object stuck in the leg, happen in most of the houses. At the same time, children are also no less in mischief and get hurt from somewhere or the other every day.

The problem arises when the bleeding does not stop. In such a situation, today we will tell you some home remedies by which you can stop bleeding from an injury in a few seconds. Let us know about these home remedies-

These home remedies are effective to stop bleeding

use of turmeric

Use of antiseptic-rich turmeric can prove effective in stopping bleeding. Turmeric has the ability to heal wounds. By applying it on the wound, it helps in clotting the blood. Besides, it also protects the wound from infection.

salt water solution

Salt is also a good remedy to stop bleeding. This is an effective remedy to stop bleeding from mouth wounds. Gargling with this water helps in stopping all types of bleeding from mouth wounds and provides relief from pain.

use of aloe vera

Aloe vera is a great ingredient for skin and hair. Apart from this, it is also effective in reducing cuts, burns and swelling. Aloe vera gel can be applied on cuts and even on burns, it provides relief from the burning sensation. In case of swelling, cutting an aloe vera leaf from the middle, heating it and applying it provides relief.

use of alum

You can also stop bleeding by using alum. First of all you have to moisten the alum with water and then press it on the wound for some time. The bleeding will stop.

use of coffee powder

If you want to stop bleeding from an injury, then using coffee powder is also very beneficial. It has astringent properties which helps in quick healing of wounds.

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use of ice cubes

Ice is the easiest way to stop bleeding. Applying ice also stops bleeding. If your hand is cut by a knife or anything, or if children are hurt, then apply ice. Rub ice on the injured area. Rubbing ice will stop bleeding quickly and will also provide relief from pain.

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