These people should not eat peas even by mistake, it can cause huge harm.

Green peas side effects: Peas are a common part of our diet, rich in taste and nutrition. However, it is not beneficial for everyone. Consumption of peas may prove harmful for people with certain health conditions. In the absence of correct information, it can be harmful.

According to experts, some nutrients and compounds present in peas can aggravate some health problems. Let us know which people should avoid eating peas and what could be the reasons for this.

People with problem of increased uric acid

  • Arthritis: Peas contain high amount of purine, which can increase uric acid in the body.

  • Joint pain: Increase in uric acid can increase the problem of swelling and pain in joints.

people suffering from kidney problems

  • Kidney stones: Peas contain oxalates, which can increase the chances of kidney stone formation.

  • Effect on filtering: People with kidney weakness should avoid peas, as it can put additional pressure on the kidneys.

stomach related problems

  • Gas and indigestion: Excess of fiber and some carbohydrates in peas can cause problems like gas and indigestion.

  • IBS patients: People who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should avoid peas.

blood sugar patients

  • Effect on sugar level: Peas contain natural sugar, which can affect the blood sugar level of some people.

  • Diabetic patients: Especially diabetic patients should eat it in limited quantities only.

It is necessary to consult a doctor

Peas may be healthy, but they are not suitable for everyone. It should be consumed only with correct information and consultation. If you have any health related problems, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist before eating peas.

Disclaimer: This article is based on media reports, JBT does not confirm it.

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