This plant is not poison, it is a treasure of nectar, only intelligent people know its benefits

Datura plant

Datura plant: Dhatura is a plant that is found in almost every house. Especially in villages, this plant is seen in every house. It is a plant with medicinal and religious importance which is mostly found in tropical areas. This plant is known for its poisonous properties and medicinal uses.

The leaves, flowers and fruits of the Dhatura plant are used especially in religious rituals to offer to Lord Shiva. Apart from this, it is also used in limited quantities in Ayurveda for the treatment of many diseases. However, this plant is poisonous, so it should be used very carefully.

For the problem of gray hair

Nowadays, people are troubled by the problem of white hair and baldness at an early age. Due to bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, people's hair has started turning white at an early age. Chota Dhatura can help you to get rid of this problem. To use it, grind Dhatura leaves and apply it on the forehead, hair fall reduces and hair starts becoming black again. By repeating this process three times a week, positive results can be seen within 1 month.

For cough, cold

Dhatura is not only beneficial in hair problems but can also prove effective in cough, cold and stomach worms. For this, Dhatura leaves should be consumed with milk which helps in overcoming these problems. According to Ayurveda, using Dhatura leaves in the right quantity also increases the latent power of the body, which improves overall health. However, it should be consumed carefully and as per the advice of an expert.

For skin diseases

Not only this, Dhatura is also an effective remedy for skin diseases. If someone is having skin problems, then eating a small Dhatura leaf every morning on an empty stomach can gradually eliminate this problem. Apart from this, consuming Dhatura leaves with milk increases masculine strength and also removes body weakness. Dhatura is considered a powerful medicine in Ayurveda, but it should always be consumed in limited quantity and as per expert advice.

For headaches and hemorrhoids

Dhatura is considered an effective medicine for problems like headache and piles. To get relief from headache, grinding its leaves and applying them on the forehead gives immediate relief. Apart from this, to treat piles, extracting juice of its leaves and mixing it with curd and consuming it can give relief in a few days. Dhatura not only solves these problems, but it also has many other medicinal properties which prove helpful in improving health, however, it should be used carefully and in limited quantities.

Disclaimer- The information given here is based on general information. Read does not claim that these are true and accurate.

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