This stock gave 54500 per cent returns, have you invested?

To earn multibagger returns in the stock market, you need to invest in shares of a company after doing deep research with patience. If you look at an example of this, this TCPL packaging is seen as shares of LTD company. ,TCPL Packaging Ltd)

About 22 years ago, it was trading at the level of about 7 rupees and today the price of this stock is trading at the level of 4356 rupees.

545 times returns in 22 years

Shares of TCPL Packaging Company, which change the fate of long -term investors, have given a total return of 54500 per cent in the last 22 years. That is, it gave a return of 545 times.

1 lakh rupees became so much in 20 years

If an investor had shown confidence in the shares of the TCPL packaging company with a market capitalization of about Rs 3972 crore 20 years ago and would have kept a return of Rs 1.98 crore today by investing Rs 1 lakh in it by investing Rs 1 lakh in it.

2200% return in 5 years

In the last 5 years, the stock has given a total return of 2200 percent. During this 5 years, the share of TCPL packaging has traveled from Rs 190 to Rs 4365.

Price below 18% from high level

Last Monday, TCPL packaging company's stock rose by 1.15 per cent to close at Rs 4356. The TCPL packaging stock is currently trading below its highest level from Rs 4776 below 8 percent.

Current share performance (TCPL Packaging Ltd)

Overall, during the last 6 months, when the entire stock market was in decline, the price of TCPL packaging shares increased by more than 29 percent. While it has given 31 percent returns in the last 3 months, it has given 37 percent benefit in the last 1 month. However, a major decline of 6 percent has been recorded in the last one week.

Disclaimer (disclaimer): Information related to stock market investment on this website is only for general guidance. We are not responsible for any investment decision. All the decisions related to investment should be based on your own discretion and risk. Investing in the stock market can be risky, and consequently you can have benefits as well as loss. We recommend that you consult a certified financial advisor before any investment decision. The information provided by our website will not be considered any kind of investment advice or recommendation.

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