Keep these things in mind while using loofah: Loofah Using Tips

Loofah Using Tips: We all take a shower at the beginning of the day. This gives us a refreshing feel and we also feel like working. Usually, while taking a shower, we all use body wash and loofah. With the help of loofah, the skin gets better cleaning. However, it is seen that many people do not know how to use the loofah properly or they make some small mistakes while using it. Due to which their skin may have to suffer.

Loofah not only helps in better cleaning of the skin, but it is also helpful in gentle exfoliation. Due to which your dead skin cells are removed and you get more even and smooth skin. For this, it is important that some small things are kept in mind while using loofah. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such small tips, which you should keep in mind while using loofah-

Nowadays, many types of loofahs are available in the market, but you should choose the right loofah by understanding the needs of your skin. Natural loofahs are prepared from plant fibers and have a short shelf life. However, natural loofahs are very gentle on the skin, so they are considered a good option for sensitive skin. On the other hand, synthetic loofahs may be more durable, but using it on sensitive skin can cause irritation or rashes etc. Therefore, first understand your skin and its needs and choose a loofah accordingly. Not only this, while choosing a loofah, make sure that it is not too rough, as this can cause problems to your skin.

There is no doubt that using a loofah is very good for the skin. However, you should know how to use it properly. It is very important to always wet the loofah thoroughly before using it on your skin. If the loofah is dry, it can be very harsh on your skin and can cause irritation or redness in the skin. At the same time, when you are using the loofah on your skin, do not rub the skin too hard. Massage the skin in a circular motion. Excessive exfoliation can remove the natural oil of the skin and cause dryness.

Do not overuse
Do not overuse
Do not overuse

Overuse of loofah can prove harmful for your skin. Many times people start using loofah every day, but this increases the risk of skin irritation. Especially, if your skin is sensitive, then you should use loofah in a limited way. Try to exfoliate your skin with the help of loofah only 2-3 times a week. This also makes your skin look more smooth and you do not have to face any kind of problem.

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We all know that loofah helps in better cleaning of the skin. But in reality, loofah also needs cleaning. So, every time you bathe, wash the loofah thoroughly to remove soap residue, dead skin cells and dirt. This prevents bacteria from growing in a moist environment. Once you have cleaned the loofah, hang it in a well-ventilated place where it can dry completely. Always remember that moist loofahs are breeding grounds for bacteria and fungus. Avoid leaving it in the shower or other moist environment. Not only this, soak your loofah in a mixture of water and vinegar or diluted bleach solution once a week to kill bacteria and fungus. This can give it a deep cleaning.

You can use a loofah on your entire body, but you should still not use it on sensitive areas. Try not to rub it on your face or other sensitive areas. Using a loofah on sensitive skin can damage it. Apart from this, if you have cuts, sunburn, rashes or irritation anywhere on your skin, then do not use a loofah in such a situation. This not only increases the risk of skin infection manifold, but your condition can also go from bad to worse. Many times people use a loofah even on sensitive areas and that too by rubbing it very hard. This not only damages the skin, but also prevents the healing of existing skin cuts, sunburn or rashes etc. Therefore, do not make this mistake at all.

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