To reduce the ill effects of pollution, know what to include in your diet

Pollution has become a big problem nowadays. It is not only harming our health but also the environment. We can take many measures to avoid pollution, one of which is to include certain foods in our diet. These foods not only help in reducing the effects of pollution but also strengthen our immunity.

Let's know about those foods that can help us fight pollution:

Foods rich in vitamin C

  • Gooseberry: Amla is the best source of Vitamin C. It protects the body from free radicals and strengthens immunity.
  • Orange: Orange is also rich in vitamin C. It helps in keeping the skin healthy and boosting immunity.
  • Lemon: Lemon contains vitamin C as well as antioxidants which help in detoxifying the body.
  • Pomegranate: Apart from vitamin C, pomegranate also contains antioxidants that protect the body from the damage caused by pollution.

Other nutritious foods

  • Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, and amaranth contain vitamins A, C, and E which protect the body from pollution.
  • Carrots: Carrots contain beta-carotene which protects the body from free radicals.
  • Garlic: Garlic has antioxidant and antibacterial properties which strengthen immunity.
  • Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from inflammation caused by pollution.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from pollution.
  • Curd: Yogurt contains probiotics which keep the digestive system healthy and strengthen immunity.
  • Almond: Almonds contain vitamin E which protects the body from oxidative stress.

Other measures to avoid pollution

  • Drink enough water: Water helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
  • Wear a mask: It is very important to wear a mask in polluted areas.
  • Keep indoor air clean: Plant plants inside the house and keep cleaning regularly.
  • Do not smoke: Smoking damages the lungs and increases the effects of pollution.


It is very important to have a healthy diet to avoid pollution. By including the above-mentioned foods in your diet, you can reduce the effects of pollution and improve your health.

Disclaimer: This information is for general information only. Always consult your doctor for any health problem.

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