Too much sweet and fried food can prove to be poisonous, know which foods affect the liver like alcohol…

New Delhi:- The liver is the largest and most important organ of our body. It is very flexible and can heal itself even if there is 75 percent damage. However, even minor damage can affect its function. It is not that only the livers of those who drink and smoke can be damaged. Rather, the liver of those who do not consume alcohol and smoke can also be damaged. Dr. Anjali Devi, a leading nutritionist from Hyderabad, says that the various foods we eat daily can also be harmful to our liver to a greater or lesser extent. Not only alcohol and smoking, but these foods you eat can also damage your liver. So let's know what these foods are:-

Cold, overly sweet and salty drinks
Sweetened beverages can be harmful to liver health. Excess sugar gets stored as fat in the liver, which can harm liver function over time. Additionally, excessive salt intake increases fluid retention, which can lead to liver disease.

fatty foods

High fat foods like butter, ghee, cheese, red meat etc. can have a harmful effect on the health of the liver. These foods contain high amounts of fat. If we consume them in large quantities, it can damage the liver.

Processed Food

Fast food, junk food, artificial colours and flavours are also harmful. The sugar and other additives present in these products can be very harmful to the liver.

Chemically Produced Food

It is better to avoid foods grown with chemicals and pesticides. Choosing organically grown fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of liver disease

Sugar and bakery products
Excessive sugar intake can lead to fat accumulation in the liver. Eat less bakery products like white bread, pastries, soda, sweets


Consuming too much carbohydrates can put a lot of pressure on the liver, which can lead to fatty liver. Therefore, to keep the liver healthy, you should eat carbohydrates in limited quantities.

red and processed meat

Meat processed with chemicals can also be harmful to the liver. You can prevent liver disease by choosing lean meat and avoiding eating too much processed meat.

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