Know the truth of myths today – Obnews

There are many myths and misconceptions prevalent among people regarding tooth decay and cavity. Due to these misconceptions, many times we are not able to take proper care. Let's bust these myths and know the truth:

Myth 1: Eating only sweets causes cavities

Truth: Eating sweets definitely increases the chances of getting cavities, but it is not the only reason. Bacteria break down carbohydrates (like bread, rice, or chips) in your mouth and produce acids, which cause tooth decay.

Myth 2: If there is no toothache, everything is fine

Truth: Tooth decay may occur without any pain in the early stages. It is difficult to detect without regular dental examination. Therefore, it is important to get checked by a dentist every 6 months.

Myth 3: Bleeding while brushing is normal

Truth: Bleeding while brushing may be a sign of gum inflammation (gingivitis) or another serious problem. Do not ignore it and contact your dentist.

Myth 4: Only children get cavities

Truth: Cavities can occur at any age. With age, the roots of the teeth can weaken, increasing the risk of decay and cavities.

Myth 5: Hard brushing makes teeth cleaner

Truth: Hard brushing can damage the outer layer of teeth (enamel) and weaken the gums. Always use a soft brush and brush gently.

Myth 6: Sugar-free gum is not bad for teeth

Truth: Sugar-free gum is often safe and helps increase the flow of saliva, which serves to protect the teeth from acid. However, balanced use is necessary.

Myth 7: Cavities can only be treated with a root canal

Truth: There are several options for treating cavities, such as fillings, fluoride treatments or simply proper care in the early stages. Root canal is done only in severe cases.

Teeth Care Tips:

  • Brush twice a day and use floss.
  • Limit your intake of sugar and acidic foods.
  • Get checked by the dentist regularly.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Correct information and proper care is very important to protect teeth from decay and cavity. Instead of relying on myths, take advice from experts and always keep your teeth healthy.

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