Why are some vehicles given priority in traffic? Vehicles with these numbers cannot be stopped

Obnews Automobile Desk: You must have often seen in traffic that some vehicles pass without stopping, and sometimes the traffic police themselves make way for them. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Actually, the number plate and special identity of these vehicles are a big reason behind them. Let us know what are such vehicles and why they are given this priority.

vehicles with special number plates

The number plates of some vehicles have special codes and colors, which make them different from other vehicles. These include:

1. VIP vehicles

These include vehicles of government officials, ministers or police officers. These are often given relaxation in traffic.

2. Vehicles with blue number plates

  • Blue number plates identify diplomatic vehicles.
  • These vehicles are for foreign embassies, consular staff, or international organizations.

Blue number plate code and identification

  • Color and Format: Blue plate with white letters and numbers.

Unique Code:

  • The code at the beginning indicates the country or organization the vehicle belongs to.
  • The rank code then indicates the diplomatic rank of the vehicle owner.

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Security and Privileges

Diplomatic vehicles are given special protection and concessions. Indian traffic rules also provide them privileges. This priority is given under international laws and diplomatic relations.

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