Traffic rules changed: Now challan will be issued even if police is not present, new system implemented

The traffic police is busy explaining traffic rules to the people every day. These rules are for the benefit of the people, the condition of the police gets worse in explaining this but people are not ready to understand this. Even after explaining a thousand times, traffic rules are broken. Even if people follow these rules, it is only to avoid challan. In such a situation, some changes have been made in the traffic rules in Jaipur from today.

Till now the people of the city used to run away by breaking signals at intersections. If traffic police were not seen at the intersection, they would drive ahead without a helmet. But now if you do not see traffic police at the intersections, then do not consider yourself lucky. Now even without the traffic police, if you break the rules, your challan will be issued. How? Let us tell you.

Surveillance will be maintained from the sky

Traffic DCP Sagar Rana himself gave information about this new change in the traffic rules of Jaipur. He told that this kind of experiment is being done for the first time in Jaipur. This time people will be monitored not through CCTV but through drones. For this, a contract has been signed with a private company. Drones are currently being flown at Ajmeri Gate. These drones can keep an eye up to a radius of five kilometers. This drone will catch whoever breaks the traffic rules.

traffic violation record

For the last few years, records of breaking traffic rules have been being made in the city. The city has not been able to recruit vehicles as per the pace at which the number of vehicles has increased. In such a situation, now under the pilot project, monitoring of vehicles through drones is being started from Ajmeri Gate. Apart from catching vehicles breaking traffic rules, this drone will also be able to give updates related to traffic jams to the people.

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