Transformation Awaits These 3 Zodiac Signs On October 18, 2024

On October 18, 2024, three zodiac signs come to the realization that a transformation awaits. Many of us will acknowledge the idea that it’s time for a major change in our lives.

We’ve been working towards this change for a while, and our daily astrology shows us that when the Moon aligns with Saturn, we will get that extra little nudge about how to deal with change.

We need this nudge, too, as we’ve been on the fence about this transformation. We admit that we need help, change, and a different direction to take it all in, but we just haven’t made a move.

October 18 changes all that. Aries, Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs get an inspiring push toward the positive. We no longer see the transformation that we must go through as scary or dangerous. In fact, it will be this Friday that we embrace the unknown to try something new and valuable.

Transformation awaits these three zodiac signs on October 18, 2024:

1. Aries

Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

While you might feel pretty good and very energized by the time this day rolls around, you’ll also be very conscious of the energy Saturn controls, which comes into your life to thwart you and throw you off course. You won’t let this happen, however, which is a testimony to your personal power.

You’ll spend the day ‘in battle.’ You will find yourself fighting for what you believe is right, and you, being YOU, Aries, will win. What’s a day without a little battle, after all? This is your calling card.

What you do know is that you won’t be prevented by anything regarding the personal transformation you’ve been working on. You will not accept defeat; in feeling that way, you stand up for yourself and enjoy the victory you’ve been working toward.

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2. Sagittarius

Transformation Awaits Sagittarius Zodiac Signs On October 18, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

You might be tempted to slink back into laziness during this Saturn-Moon transit, but that is not like you. you will feel resentment towards the feeling, and you will deny it. What you are in the middle of, as of October 18, is personal transformation; you know what needs fixing, and you are on it.

As a Sagittarius, you feel driven and directed; it’s just part of what comes with your zodiac sign, and so when a transit that is made up of a Saturn-Moon alignment makes itself know, you acknowledge it, and you let it pass you by. You are stronger than this, and you know it.

It’s October, and you aren’t messing around anymore; you see the end of the year approaching (and your birthday, too), and you want more from your life than you have now. You see what happens if you throw in the towel and do nothing, which you will not be doing.

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3. Fish

Transformation Awaits These Pisces Zodiac Signs On October 18, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

The last thing you need during the Saturn-Moon alignment is the chance to fall back into laziness, as you’ve made great strides in getting to where you are. This day has you considering taking a break, the last thing your momentum needs.

You want to create a whole new world via a personal transformation that will stick and become something you can identify with through the ages. You want only greatness, Pisces, and on this day, you get the chance to forfeit that greatness, not part of the plan.

And so, you’ll pick yourself up, deny this Saturn-Moon transit its power in your life, and maintain your focus on change and reparation. You want what’s best and won’t be tempted to fail, so you should not. This one’s on you, and you can trust yourself. You know what’s right, Pisces.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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