Use cloves in such a way that hair growth doubles, make this special water: Clove for Hair

Clove for Hair: Clove is used in almost every Indian household. While cloves enhance the taste of dishes and food, it also plays a helpful role in reducing many health problems. Be it cough, cold or toothache, clove shows its effect within minutes and eliminates the problem. It has many medicinal properties which can eliminate your hair problems from their roots. Cloves are rich in anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and antifungal properties, which can double hair growth by reducing dryness and inflammation in the scalp. Especially clove water is considered a boon for hair. It can provide relief from the problem of hair fall and itching. If you are also struggling with hair problems then you can use cloves in this way.

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benefits of cloves

Clove water gives strength to hair
benefits of cloves

make hair healthy

Cloves contain high amounts of anti-oxidants which protect the hair from damage caused by free radicals. By using clove regularly, hair can be strengthened from the roots. It is a healthy agent that can improve the overall health of the hair.

increase growth

If your hair is falling a lot and it is not growing, then the use of clove water can prove beneficial. Cloves are rich in beta-carotene which can increase hair growth.

dye hair black

Nowadays people are facing the problem of gray hair before age. Although age, pollution and hormonal changes can be responsible for graying of hair, clove water can get rid of these problems and make the hair black again.

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Make scalp healthy

Lang has high anti-bacterial properties which help in removing the dirt and dandruff present in the scalp. Its regular use can provide relief from itching and dryness in the scalp.

Make clove water for hair like this

Clove water gives strength to hairClove water gives strength to hair
Make clove water for hair like this

– To make healthy clove water for hair, first put two bowls of water in a pan and boil it.

– Then add about 2 teaspoons of cloves in this boiled water and let the water boil for some time.

– After 5-6 minutes, turn off the gas and keep the water covered overnight.

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– In the morning, filter the water and fill it in an air tight container.

– After shampooing and conditioning the hair thoroughly, apply clove water on the scalp and roots.

– Leave it on the hair for about 15 minutes and massage it with light hands.

– Then wash the hair with plain water and let it dry on its own.

– Do not apply any serum or cream after washing hair.

– After this process, do not apply oil to the hair for about a day.

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