Vaccination of adults is important to reduce lung diseases in India

NEW DELHI New Delhi: Voluntary vaccination among adults can significantly reduce the incidence of lung infections, thereby reducing the number of people hospitalised and easing the burden on hospitals, said experts on Tuesday ahead of World Lung Day. World Lung Day is observed every year on September 25 to raise awareness about lungs and its related diseases. The high morbidity and mortality associated with acute respiratory infections continue to be a major challenge for the healthcare system.

Experts said when a large portion of the population is vaccinated, it will also reduce the overall transmission of diseases by herd immunity, protecting even those who cannot be vaccinated such as infants or individuals with suppressed immune systems.

“Respiratory infections are a major contributor to hospitalisation for lung-related diseases. Vaccines are a cheap and easy way to prevent these, saving thousands of lives and crores of rupees in healthcare costs every year. They are also critical in reducing disease transmission and protecting vulnerable populations,” said Dr Arjun Khanna, HOD of Pulmonary Medicine Amrita Hospital, Faridabad. He added that people with immune-compromising conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease or lung diseases such as asthma or COPD, as well as elderly people, are at higher risk of severe illness from many vaccine-preventable diseases.

However, the current rate of adult vaccination in India is negligible, leaving millions of individuals vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases, leading to unnecessary morbidity and mortality.

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