Volcanoes will erupt and cataclysm will come, scientists predicted the destruction of the world, said – everyone will be annihilated on this day

New Delhi: In a study, scientists have made big predictions about the Earth. In this prophecy, scientists have warned about the destruction of the world. Scientists say that shocking facts have been given in this report. It has been said in the report that our earth is gradually moving towards destruction.

tried to see the future

According to the information, scientists have declared the year of destruction of the earth. Scientists from England's Bristol University have released a study report on the future of the Earth. This study report conducted by scientists has revealed that a time is coming when not a single living being will survive on Earth. According to the study report, the situation on Earth is expected to change 25 crore years from now. Scientists have tried to see the future of the Earth through computer simulation technology.

the world will end

The input of global warming was put into this technology. This revealed that the Earth's temperature will reach 70 degrees Celsius after about 250 million years from today. It would be very difficult for any creature to survive on Earth in such hot temperatures. The biggest reason behind the destruction of the earth will be heat, due to which our world will end. Scientists say – the speed with which the amount of carbon emissions is increasing on the earth, at the same speed the people of the earth are moving towards their destruction.

All volcanoes will start erupting

Scientists say that due to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperature will gradually increase and at some point everything will end. Scientists have also tried to connect the history and future of the earth in this study. According to the study, there was a continent named Pangea on Earth between 330 million and 170 million years ago. Then gradually the earth reached its present state. Now after 250 million years, all the continents will merge to form the supercontinent 'Pangaea Ultima'. This will happen as the water dries up. The earth will first heat up and then dry up. The earth's surface is covered with many volcanoes. As the heat increases, they will start bursting.

everyone will be killed

According to the study, researcher Alexander Farnsworth said about the Earth that due to increase in carbon dioxide, it will be difficult to breathe. The living beings will start dying in agony. A large number of people will be killed simultaneously. The researcher also said that in such a situation, habitable conditions may remain along the southern and northern parts of Pangea Ultima. Also Read…

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