What is walking pneumonia in children? Know its symptoms: Walking Pneumonia in Kids

What is walking pneumonia in children? Know its symptoms

Walking pneumonia in Kids: Do you know about walking pneumonia? This is a problem occurring in children. Let us know about it in detail-

Walking Pneumonia in Kids: Walking Pneumonia is a mild type of pneumonia, which occurs in children and Teenage Commonly seen in. It is also called Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. This is a bacterial Infection It is caused by pneumonia and is less severe than normal pneumonia. Children often carry on with normal activities, so it is called “walking” pneumonia.

This infection is caused by a bacteria called Mycoplasma pneumoniae. This infection spreads mainly through the air, when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This infection can spread rapidly among children in schools, day-care centers, and crowded areas.

  • The symptoms of walking pneumonia are often mild and appear gradually. These symptoms can be similar to those of the common cold or flu, so it can be difficult to recognize.
  • The child may have mild or moderate fever, which may last for several days.
  • A dry, persistent cough is the main symptom of walking pneumonia. This cough can persist for weeks.
  • Children may feel sore throat and pain.
  • The child may feel lethargic and tired, even though he or she is participating in normal activities.
  • Cold-like symptoms may also occur, in which the nose becomes blocked or runny.
  • Children may have headache or mild muscle pain.
  • Slight chest pain may be felt due to coughing.
  • The child may lose appetite due to infection.
walking pneumonia in kids symptoms
walking pneumonia in kids symptoms
  • Fast breathing or difficulty breathing.
  • Heaviness in the chest.
  • Yellowing or turning blue of the skin (indicating lack of oxygen).

Coughing or sneezing causes infected particles to spread in the air, due to which this bacteria can spread. Also close contact with an infected person (such as hugging or sharing clothes). At the same time, the risk of infection increases in crowded areas like school or day-care.

  • Give adequate rest to the child.
  • Ensure hydration by giving them fluids like water, juice, and soup.
  • To soothe cough, give warm water or honey-lemon (in children above 1 year of age).
walking pneumonia in kids treatmentwalking pneumonia in kids treatment
walking pneumonia in kids treatment

Walking pneumonia in children is a mild infection, which can be cured with timely treatment and proper care. Although it is not serious, it can increase if ignored for a long time. If the above mentioned symptoms are seen in your child, then definitely consult a doctor. This infection can be avoided by keeping children's immunity strong and taking care of hygiene.

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