If you want respect from your child, then improve these habits: Parenting Advice

Parenting Advice: Parenting is becoming increasingly challenging with time. Especially it has become very difficult to handle and teach teenage children. In order to become a role model, parents now prefer to be friends rather than parents. In such a situation, maintaining the balance between parents and child becomes quite challenging. Children consider parents as their role models. Children respect and honor him according to the way he behaves. If you disrespect or taunt the child, the child will also stop respecting you. Therefore, it is important to improve some of your habits so that children respect you throughout their life.

interrupt everything

give respect to children
interrupt everything

To teach good values ​​and habits to the child, parents have to interrupt or scold the child many times. But this does not mean that you should interrupt the child on every small thing. If children are interrupted too much, they become arrogant and start ignoring what their parents say. If you also want to get respect and honor from your child, then interrupt the child only where he needs it.

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compare child

Most parents compare their child with one of his friends. Sometimes comparison is beneficial but sometimes children consider their parents as their enemies. Especially teenage children start ignoring what their parents say. Although you try to boost your child by comparison, such behavior can hurt the child's self-esteem. Therefore, if you have the habit of praising other children in front of your child, then leave it today. Not doing this may reduce the respect and honor the child has for you.

habit of quarreling

Many times such a situation arises at home that there is a fight or discord between the parents. Parents sometimes lose their temper due to fights. This behavior of parents can have adverse effects on the child. Therefore, if parents fight and quarrel with each other, then maintain decorum during this time. Due to such behavior by parents, children may lose respect for them.

stick to your guns

give respect to childrengive respect to children
stick to your guns

To make the child happy, parents often promise to take the child out for a ride or give him toys. But when he goes back on his word or does not fulfill his promise, the children start ignoring him. Many times children also disrespect them. If you also do not fulfill the promise you make to your child, then improve this habit of yours.

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hold on to mistakes

Children learn only by making mistakes. But it is not right to hold on to those mistakes and taunt them every now and then. When a child makes a mistake, the best parenting is to guide, forgive and teach them to move forward. Holding on to the child's old mistakes can create hindrances in the relationship between parents and the child. Therefore, have faith in the child and encourage him to learn from his mistakes. By doing this the love between you and the child will remain intact.

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