Want to grow lotus flowers at home, know these easy secret tips

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower: Most people are fond of planting plants with colorful flowers at home. Generally people plant flower plants like rose, marigold, champa, jasmine, hibiscus etc. in their homes. Rarely would you have ever seen a lotus flower blooming in someone's house. Planting a lotus flower is not as difficult as people think.

Growing a lotus plant is not only a beautiful experience. Rather, it also gives a new dimension to your home decoration. If you want to grow lotus flowers in your home, it requires the right technique and patience. Today we will tell you through this article how you can easily plant a lotus plant at home without any hard work.

Lotus seed

Lotus seeds also known as Kamal Gatta. It is very important to select the right quality seeds to grow lotus flower. You can easily buy these from grocery stores or online shopping sites. When you buy beach at the grocery store, make sure you buy a little more. Because some seeds may be damaged and do not germinate. To identify bad seeds, check them by placing them in water. If the seeds float on the surface of the water then they are suitable for germination whereas if they remain below the water then they are damaged and there is no use in planting them.

Process of preparing lotus seeds

The outer coat of the lotus seed is heavy and hard. Which has two ends and a hole on one side. Whereas the other side is like a sharp tip. To germinate lotus seeds, first the holed end has to be rubbed thoroughly on a rough surface. This process has to be continued until the white part of B becomes clearly visible. During this time, it is important to take care that the seeds are not damaged, because if this happens, the germination process can be affected.

How to grow lotus plant from seed

1. First of all, rub the lotus seeds thoroughly, so that their white part becomes visible. Take care that the middle is not damaged.

2. Put the ground seeds in water in a transparent glass. Keep the seeds in water for two-three days and change the water from time to time. Place the glass in a sunny location, as the seeds require warmth.

3. The seeds will germinate in about a week or 10 days. The seeds will grow 4 to 6 inches long in 20 days.

4. Fill a big vessel by mixing 50% soil and 50% cow dung manure. Lightly press the germinated seeds to a depth of two-three inches.

5. Fill with water up to a couple of inches above the surface of the soil. Leaves and roots will start appearing within 1 month. Flowers will start blooming on the plant in 5 to 6 months.


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