Want to score good marks in board exam, follow these 7 tips

Board Exam

Board Exam Tips : Very soon the 10th and 12th board exams will be conducted. For this, students have already started preparation. All students know very well that along with studying in the exam, attractive handwriting and answering questions in simple words is more important. For this, he is also speeding up his handwriting practice. Despite this, there are some students who are not able to gain confidence in themselves even after good preparation. There is a fear in them in the name of exam, due to which despite knowing the correct answer to the question, they write it wrong.

As a result, they get poor results, but today we are going to tell you some tips which if you try and prepare, it will also build up your confidence level. With this you will be able to score good marks in board exams.

Follow these tips

  • First of all, fix a time for your studies. During that time, keep yourself calm and concentrate on studies without thinking anything. You can maintain a time table. You can give priority to the subject you like the most. Apart from this, there are some subjects which require regular practice… definitely give time to those subjects.
  • Do not take mental stress during studies. This will divert your mind and you will not feel like studying. In such a situation, even if you sit with the book open, you will not get any benefit from it. You won't be able to remember what you read, so study only when you feel like it.
  • There are some students who take so much pressure of studies on their mind that they distance themselves from the people around them and their friends, but you do not have to do this. Along with studies, it is very important to maintain social behavior also. For this, keep meeting your friends. Try discussing what you read with others. It is possible that through group discussion you will be able to remember what you have read better. During this time, you may also get a chance to learn and know something new.
  • Make a mock test paper for yourself over the weekend, which you try to clear without looking at it. This will let you know how useful the study you have done till now is being useful to you. How much more hard work do you need to do? By assessing all these things, your board preparation will become easier.
  • Apart from school and coaching, prepare short notes for yourself. Try to prepare some points for the topic you are reading. Small points fit better in the mind and this can make a huge difference in your exam.
  • The most important and important thing is that after preparing the points, you should understand what is being tried to tell you through it. Thanks to this, you can make any small points bigger and write. During this time, also try to make your handwriting attractive which will help you in getting extra marks.
  • Nowadays, children are so addicted to mobile that they are not interested in studies at all, but if you want to score good marks in board exam then you should immediately distance yourself from your mobile. If you study from mobile only, then try to leave the mobile after studying. You can meditate after waking up in the morning or before sleeping, which will keep your mind sharp and you will remember what you have read.

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