We want to keep our house clean, for this we also sweep and mop from time to time. But still dirt accumulates and when rats spread this dirt we get angry, many people feel uncomfortable seeing rats in their house. These creatures not only spread dirt, but can also cause damage by gnawing on things. But if rats are coming to your house again and again, then from astrological point of view it is a sign for you, let us know about it – Signs of blessings. If rats are coming to your house again and again, then it means that May be Lord Ganesha is blessing you. In fact, an increase in the number of rats can be a sign of coming happiness and prosperity. One should not resort to harming or driving them away. Instead of reciting Ganesh Stotra the rats will go away peacefully. If you see a mole in your house, it is considered a sign of arrival of wealth. The shrew is similar to a rat in appearance, but is slightly longer in size. Seeing such rats in the house is considered auspicious. If you see such rats in the house, then you will soon get money and Goddess Lakshmi will be kind to you. These are seen as improvements in the economic situation. If the number of rats suddenly increases in your house and you start seeing rats roaming in the house, then understand that some big loss is going to happen soon. It is believed that frequent sighting of rats in the house is a sign of poverty. If rats gnaw on something in your house, then understand that you may soon hear some bad news. In such a situation, you should do every work thoughtfully. If there are rats or moles in your house then you should not kill them but try to drive them away. It is a sin to kill them, so instead of killing them, you should catch them in a cage and leave them outside the house. For this you should look at the options available in the market. – ..

Can breast cancer affect the fetus: Breast cancer is a great enemy of women, but when a woman is pregnant, the situation becomes even worse. Pregnant women suffering from breast cancer are often worried about what effect this disease and its treatment may have on the child in the womb. Let us try to understand from medical experts whether breast cancer can harm the fetus and what precautions can be taken?

Can breast cancer be transmitted to the fetus?

Dr Nitin SG, Consultant, Medical Oncology, CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, said, “The biggest concern for pregnant women suffering from breast cancer is whether the cancer can spread to the fetus. Fortunately, experts have confirmed that breast cancer itself does not directly harm the baby. The cancer remains confined to the breast tissue, lymph nodes or other areas of the mother’s body and does not cross the placenta to reach the baby.

Effect of breast cancer treatment on the fetus

Although cancer may not cause any harm to the fetus, treating breast cancer during pregnancy may have potential risks. Medical experts say that treatment options depend on the stage of pregnancy and the stage of cancer.

first quarter

This is an important period for the development of the baby’s organs. Therefore, certain treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are generally avoided. However, surgery to remove the tumor during the first trimester is considered relatively safe.

second and third quarter

If breast cancer is detected during this stage of pregnancy, chemotherapy may be given cautiously. Studies have shown that chemotherapy given after the first trimester does not increase the risk of birth defects or harm the baby’s development. However, radiation is avoided until after the baby is born.

Is delaying treatment an option?

In some cases, pregnant women may consider postponing cancer treatment until after the baby is born to avoid any potential risks to the baby. However, this decision should be taken only after consulting oncologist and gynecologist. Delaying treatment can cause the cancer to grow, making it more difficult to treat effectively.

Keep an eye on baby’s health

During treatment, doctors closely monitor the health of the mother and baby. Regular ultrasounds and tests are done to make sure the baby is growing normally and the treatment is not causing any harm.

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