Weakness even after healthy diet? Know its causes and ways to get rid of it

If you are feeling weak even after taking a healthy diet, it means that the problem is not limited to eating habits only. Many other factors can also be responsible for the weakness of the body. Let us know how you can solve this problem and get a strong body.

Possible causes of weakness

  • nutritional deficiencies: Even if you are eating a healthy diet, you may still be lacking in certain nutrients. Such as iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D etc.
  • Digestive problems: If you have any digestive problems, your body may not be able to absorb nutrients from food properly.
  • Irregular sleep: By not getting enough sleep the body feels tired and becomes weak.
  • Tension: Constantly being under stress increases the level of cortisol hormone in the body, due to which the body becomes weak.
  • Excessive exercise: Doing too much exercise also makes the body tired and weak.
  • Any disease: It is possible that you may be suffering from some hidden illness due to which you are feeling weak.

What to do for a strong body?

  • Nutrient Check: Consult a doctor once and get the deficiency of nutrients in your body checked. If there is any deficiency, your doctor may advise you to take supplements.
  • Strengthen the digestive system: Strengthen your digestive system by consuming curd, buttermilk, ginger etc.
  • have a good sleep: Make sure to take 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
  • Reduce Stress: Indulge in yoga, meditation or any activity that keeps you stress-free.
  • Do balanced exercise: Avoid exercising too much. Light exercise like yoga, tai chi etc. can be beneficial for you.
  • Contact the doctor: If you are feeling persistent weakness, contact a doctor.

What to eat for a strong body?

  • Protein: Pulses, fish, eggs, chicken, meat etc. are rich in protein.
  • Iron: Spinach, beetroot, pomegranate, dates etc. contain iron in abundance.
  • vitamin b12: Vitamin B12 is found in abundance in fish, meat, eggs, milk etc.
  • vitamin D: Vitamin D is found in abundance in sunlight, milk, eggs etc.


There can be many reasons for body weakness. So, instead of relying on any one remedy, you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. By having a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and leading a stress-free life, you can have a healthy and strong body.

If you are still having problems, it would be best to consult a doctor.

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