Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About Weekly Tarot October 21 – 27, 2024

What does your zodiac sign need to know about the week of October 21 – 27, 2024, according to the tarot? After all, we have some powerful forces to contend with. But before we look at the one-card tarot reading for every zodiac sign, here are the general tarot messages for everyone this week.

First, we have Seven of Pentacles on the table, along with Five of Wands. Together, they caution us not to be naive about the competition, whoever/whatever they might be. Politeness often gets thrown out of the window once the going gets real. Collaborating with folks who secretly wish your downfall is the fastest way to let a Trojan horse through your doors.

The Empress is also here to strike her scepter on the ground. This major arcana card may have the energy of the mother. Still, she is one of the manifestations of the Greek goddess Demeterwho was more than happy to let the world starve if they were unwilling to help her recover her kidnapped child, Persephone. Gaia is another name for this energy, and so is Earth.

In short, as we move into Scorpio Season this week, it’s time to be mindful of what’s right vs. wrong, true vs. false. Let your inner light guide you away from the darkness.

Weekly one-card tarot reading for October 21 – 27, 2024:

Aries: Ten of Swords

mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Aries, you got the Ten of Swords this week. On the surface, it’s a concerning card to receive because of its horrific imagery, but the message here is more cautionary.

You may or may not realize it, but you are surrounded by people who don’t care about you and your well-being. Whether this is a toxic workplace, a family of abusers, or a friend’s circle that holds each other down, if you don’t trust your gut about this, you will find yourself in a situation depicted by the Ten of Swords.

Black Obsidian can help you protect yourself energetically even as you take steps to change this future. Because that’s the kicker: you can change your future and make this energy obsolete if you choose to.

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Taurus: Ten of Pentacles

taurus zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Taurus, you got an excellent tarot card this week — the Ten of Pentacles! It speaks of wealth and success, both literally and figuratively. So, I look forward to some great things happening to you (and for you) this week. Some of you may even receive an opportunity because you invested in something many months or years back.

It will be the fruit of your labors. If you are getting married this week, you have picked an excellent period for this. Your life with your partner will begin on a golden foundation. Working with Pyrite or Leopard Jasper can be beneficial for you, too, this week.

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Gemini: Five of Wands

gemini zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Gemini, the tarot card for you this week is the Five of Wands. While it can mean many things, this time, it’s highlighting the energy of number five for you. So read more about the numerological meaning of five, and you will know why this is showing up.

For some, this card beckons you to not hold back in competitive fields, even if you are painted as a villain for… winning in a competition.

Since the energy of Five of Swords is also being evoked by this particular Five of Wands, you are urged to hold your ground and not allow toxic gaslighting to ruin your day or plans. Working with Clear Quartz can be highly beneficial to you in this case.

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Cancer: Ace of Pentacles

cancer zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Cancer, this week, you got the Ace of Pentacles as your tarot card. It urges you to start something new to help you feel unstuck and invite the positive energy flow to your doorstep.

Do this intuitively, though. Whether learning a new dinner recipe, planting seeds in your herb garden, beginning a new relationship with someone special, or purchasing a new jacket that excites your heart, whatever has long-term potential is a good place to start this week.

For some, the Ace of Pentacles is speaking of investing your money somewhere new so you can gain in the long run.

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Leo: Three of Pentacles

leo zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Leo, per the Three of Pentacles, the tarot message for you this week is pretty simple: don’t try to be a lone wolf now. Instead, lean into your support systems, whether that’s your best friends, family, or partner. The sum of your efforts will always be greater than the parts.

This also applies to the professional field and in other areas where collaboration may be possible. Allow new energy and creativity to have a space, then bounce ideas off each other. The result will surprise everyone, and the journey will be full of meaningful insights. If you work with crystals, Amethyst is your best friend this week.

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Virgo: Eight of Pentacles

virgo zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Virgo, the tarot card you got this week is the Eight of Pentacles. It urges you to keep your head down and stay focused on what’s a true priority for you.

Whether this is related to a turning point in your career, a personal project that has deep meaning for your life, or something else that requires a lot of time, energy, and effort, you will reap sweet fruits when you go all in.

Don’t allow peer pressure or distractions to mess up anything! If you feel called to, working with Green Aventurine or other green crystals will benefit you and have a grounded effect on your psyche.

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Libra: Nine of Wands

libra zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Libra, your tarot card this week is the Nine of Wands. It urges you to be patient as life continues to unfold. For some of you, your grand dreams and goals will take a long time to come to fruition. So keep going at your own pace and make the most of each day.

If you can live life balanced, the journey will be as beautiful as crossing the finish line. The Nine of Wands also highlights the need to be aware of your surroundings this week.

Don’t ignore red flags or blatant abuse. Your Libra nature may desire to harmonize with everyone, but that’s impossible with those on a destructive path. So protect your energy! Black Tourmaline can help.

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Scorpio: Eight of Wands

scorpio zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Scorpio, you have the Eight of Wands as your tarot card for the week. It urges the need to be swift in undertakings and decisive about your life choices. Nothing and no one can stop you when you live like this. For some, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for to go where your heart has been asking you to go.

Yes, it can feel like a big jump, especially if you are scared of rejection or failure, but in time, you will realize how powerful you are and just how capable you are of growth and transformation. Your zodiac sign represents the ideal of transformation! If you work with crystals, Honey Calcite will be a boon for you this week.

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Sagittarius: Temperance

sagittarius zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Sagittarius, your tarot card this week is a major arcana representing your zodiac sign — Temperance! The message, therefore, is super straightforward: don’t be afraid to explore and merge ideas that seem disparate on the surface. You may surprise yourself when everything comes together into something new and ground-breaking.

Plus, Temperance urges the need to moderate your emotional expression lest you feel discouraged if the going becomes a bit slow or you hit any roadblocks. You have the power within to conquer anything. So pace yourself, and you will be golden!

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Capricorn: The Sun

capricorn zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Capricorn, you have a Major Arcana tarot card as your message for the week — The Sun. It’s a powerful sign that you are on the right path and doing things that align with your soul’s mission or life path (however you wish to describe it). So don’t second-guess yourself. If you put your mind to it, nothing can stop you now.

The Sun is also a positive sign for relationship success, business ventures that are doing well, and personal undertakings that discover an untapped niche of great importance.

Be observant as you move forward, and you’ll be good to go. If you feel called to work with Honey Calcite and Feldspar, it may benefit you for the same reasons.

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Aquarius: Nine of Wands

aquarius zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Aquarius, the tarot card for you this week is the Nine of Wands. Since Libra also received this card (and they are an air sign just like you), there’s a possibility your life will intersect with Libra this week in some meaningful way.

Whether this is in love, career, school, or elsewhere, watch out for air sign qualities and life principles that pop up all over the place, guiding you where you need to go.

Everything won’t come to a head this week, though — there’s still time until you finish, so be prepared to be more patient. Working with Calcite and blue crystals will benefit you this week.

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Pisces: Two of Cups

pisces zodiac signs weekly tarot october 21-27, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Pisces, the message for you this week, per your tarot card, the Two of Cups, is this: let love be your guiding light. Your love life will thrive when you create a bubble around you and your partner.

It allows you to spend quality time with each other and understand what’s in your hearts. You may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you are each other’s, that will be all that counts. This message will apply to different areas of life.

So, seek spaces that bring joy without becoming burdensome! Now’s not the time to allow peer pressure to hold you. If you feel called to, work with Amethyst or Citrine this week to encourage more love and positivity to flow into your life.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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