* Western Coke Products (Carbon Factory) has been sealed. Collector has given instructions to provide compensation to the Pahari Korwa youth as per the government rules…

** Korba / Minor Pahari Korwa who lost his right hand in an accident while working in Western Coke Product (Carbon Factory) met Collector Ajit Vasant and demanded action against the concerned factory and employment for livelihood. Collector directed to seal the carbon factory on the basis of investigation report. Along with this, instructions have been given to Assistant Labor Commissioner to take action regarding providing maximum compensation to the victim. The matter was investigated. FIR is also being lodged against the concerned operators. The victim minor was from Pahari Korwa community. In this regard, the factory inspector and in-charge Deputy Director Industrial Health and Safety told that a serious accident occurred in which the minor came under the grip of the conveyor belt made for delivering carbon paste, his right hand was seriously injured, during treatment it had to be amputated up to about 2 inches below the elbow.

Due to the absence of fencing in the accident-causing machinery conveyor belt, there was a constant danger of workers getting injured. As a result, when the minor was working near the conveyor belt, suddenly his right hand came in the grip of the conveyor belt and he got seriously injured. During treatment, it was cut off from the body about 2 inches below the elbow. A serious accident occurred due to the maintenance of the workplace in the factory not being safe and risk-free for the workers. In the case, using the powers conferred under Section 40 (2) of the Factories Act, 1948, the factory occupier and manager of Western Coke Products Khasra No. 22/2 Gram Panchayat Godhi, Rajgamar Korba have been ordered and operations have been banned with immediate effect. Similarly, in the investigation by the Assistant Commissioner, Labour Department, it was found that the age of the minor labourer working under the Child and Adolescent (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, amended in 2016, is (16 years 7 months) as per the mutation, which falls in the category of juvenile labour. The juvenile was being made to work in the notified hazardous area of ​​the factory, which is a punishable offence. A letter was sent to Rampur Police Station for FIR. The employer did not submit the registration certificate of the principal employer under the Contract Labour Act, 1970. The employment register, wage payment register, overtime register, deduction register of the labourers employed by the contractor were not submitted.

Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the employer was found not to have submitted the attendance register, wage payment register, deduction register and overtime register of the employed workers. Integrated annual statement was submitted under the Act. Minimum wages were not found to have been paid to the employed workers. The employer was found not to have displayed information at the workplace such as wage rates, working hours, period of wages, date of payment to the workers, name and address of the regional labour office etc. Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the employer/contractor was found not to have paid wages to the employed workers on the tenth day of the month. The summary of the Act and Rules under the said Act was not found to be displayed in the institute. For the said violations, a show cause notice was issued to the factory manager by the inspector. In view of the accident and negligence of safety standards in the factory, action was taken to seal the carbon factory by SDM Korba Assistant Commissioner Labour Department.

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