What a shocking truth! These 5 food items are making India the diabetes capital – ..

India is being called the diabetes capital of the world, where together more than 10 crore people are suffering from this lifestyle disorder. Now a unique study has been conducted to deal with this serious problem, in which a possible solution to reduce the risk of diabetes has emerged. The study, conducted in collaboration with the Indian Medical Institute of Research and Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, found a low AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) diet to help reduce the risk of diabetes.

The study involved 38 obese and overweight people aged 25 to 45 who had a body mass index (BMI) of 23 or higher. During the study, these people were given two types of diets for 12 weeks – a high-life diet and a low-life diet. According to the study’s findings, the lean diet significantly improved insulin sensitivity in people. AGEs and markers of inflammation were found to be lower in the participants’ blood after adopting this diet, while participants following the high-AGE diet had higher levels.

What is AGE?
AGEs are harmful compounds that form when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures, especially fried and processed foods. This element can cause inflammation, insulin resistance and other health problems in the body, increasing the risk of diabetes and heart attack.

Which foods increase the risk of diabetes as we age?
* Fried foods: Chips, fried chicken, samosas, pakoras
* Baked goods: cookies, cakes, crackers
* Processed foods: ready meals, margarine, mayonnaise
* Animal-based foods cooked at high temperatures: grilled or roasted meats such as bacon, beef, poultry
* Roasted Nuts: Dry fruits, roasted walnuts, sunflower seeds

These foods are an important part of the Indian diet and cooking methods such as frying, roasting, grilling and baking increase their AGE levels. Experts believe that the risk of diabetes can be reduced to a great extent by avoiding processed and oily foods and including fresh, whole foods.

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