Do not make these mistakes even by mistake on New Year's Day, otherwise you may face financial crunch throughout the year.

New Year 2025: The year 2024 is about to end and soon the year 2025 will begin. If you want the new year to bring wealth, happiness and prosperity in your life. If we talk about New Year, New Year is a symbol of new beginning. People welcome the new year with new hopes, new dreams, new goals.

Everyone has high expectations from the New Year and everyone wants that the coming year should bring a lot of happiness in their life.

In this way the New Year is seen as a new beginning. But, often people do some things on New Year's Day which attract negative energy. In such a situation, let us know which tasks should be avoided on New Year's Day.

These tasks should be avoided on New Year's Day

avoid fights

At the beginning of the new year, one should not quarrel or dispute with anyone at home. According to folk beliefs, discord in the house leads to entry of negative energy and loss of money. Therefore, maintain good relations with your family members and friends in the new year.

Avoid financial transactions

Do not take loan from anyone or give loan to anyone in the new year. Taking loan increases the financial burden and giving loan leads to loss of money. Therefore, avoid financial transactions in the new year.

Avoid spicy food

In the New Year, one should avoid Tamasic food i.e. meat, fish, eggs, alcohol etc. Tamasic food includes meat, fish, eggs, alcohol etc. Consuming these things increases negative energy and weakens the financial condition. Therefore, in the New Year, consume satvik food like fruits, vegetables, curd, milk etc.

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don't buy sharp things

Sharp things like knives, scissors etc. should not be bought in the New Year. According to Vastu Shastra, sharp things bring negative energy into the house and lead to financial loss. Therefore, avoid buying sharp things in the new year.

don't wear black clothes

One should also avoid wearing black clothes in the New Year. According to religious beliefs, black and dark colors are considered to bring bad luck and are often viewed negatively. Therefore, even in Vastu Shastra, wearing black clothes at home is considered prohibited.


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