Try it for a month, tea without milk will give such miraculous effects for health.

Side Effects Of Milk Tea: Drinking tea in winter has its own unique pleasure. Tea becomes such a necessity, without which the day cannot be completed. When it is extremely cold and you have a cup of hot tea in your hand, what can we say, the soul becomes satisfied. In such a situation, the morning in Indian homes starts with a cup of hot tea with milk. If the morning starts with a cup of hot milk tea then the whole day feels fresh.

But, let us tell you, what effect can milk tea have on your health? If you do not drink tea with milk for a month, then what kind of changes can be seen in your body, let us know about it in detail from the expert.

What will happen if you do not drink tea with milk for a month?

may lose weight

According to health experts, if you do not drink tea with milk for a month, it can help in reducing your weight. Because the calories and sugar present in milk tea are a major reason for weight gain. Cutting down on milk tea will reduce your calorie intake, which will help in weight loss.

improve heart health

Tea with milk can also increase the risk of heart diseases. Therefore, not drinking tea with milk can improve heart health.

digestion will improve

The caffeine and tannins present in milk tea can slow down your digestion and increase the problem of acidity. In such a situation, drinking less tea with milk can improve your digestive system and reduce the problem of acidity.

sleep will be better

Drinking less tea with milk helps in better sleep. And you will feel more energetic throughout the day. Therefore, start the day by drinking herbal tea.

skin improvement

Drinking less tea with milk brings glow to the skin. The sugar present in milk tea can damage the skin and cause acne. Drinking less tea with milk will make your skin look healthy and glowing.

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Energy levels will increase

Drinking tea with milk increases the energy level initially, but later one feels tired. By drinking less tea with milk, you will feel more energetic throughout the day.

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