Which almond will give more health benefits- dry or soaked almonds, know about their many benefits…

New Delhi:- Everyone knows that almonds are beneficial for health in many ways. Food experts advise people of all ages to eat a few almonds every day. But the way to eat it can be different. Some people soak it overnight and eat it the next day, while some people like to eat it dry or raw. Should almonds be eaten soaked or dry? Which method has the most health benefits? Let's find out. Mumbai-based nutrition and diet expert Rochelle George says that not only for children but also for adults, consuming almonds soaked overnight or for a few hours as the first diet is beneficial.
Rich in nutrients: According to experts, soaking almonds increases the amount of nutrients and antioxidants. The process also releases enzymes like lipase that increase the metabolic rate and help in weight loss. It also removes impurities that hinder the absorption of nutrients.

Better availability of nutrients: Food experts say that soaking almonds increases the availability of nutrients and antioxidants. It is also suggested that the process releases enzymes like lipase that increase the metabolic rate and help in weight loss. Apart from this, it is also said that it removes impurities that hinder the absorption of nutrients. Soaking reduces anti-nutrients like tannins and phytic acid in the almond shell. These hinder the absorption of essential minerals when present in excess. So, experts say that the effect of soaking almonds facilitates the absorption of minerals.

Good for digestion: Experts say that soaked almonds, compared to raw almonds, help in releasing enzymes that facilitate digestion. Therefore, eating them is considered very good for digestion.

Reduction in phytic acid: Soaking almonds reduces the level of phytic acid. Experts suggest that this process increases the availability of these minerals by blocking elements that interfere with the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. According to a report published in the 'Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture' in 2018, researchers found that soaking almonds reduces the level of phytic acid, thereby improving mineral absorption. Dr. Mohammad Ali Anisi, a renowned nutrition expert from Iran University of Medical Sciences, participated in this research. He claims that soaking almonds reduces the level of phytic acid and helps absorb more nutrients.

Removing impurities: Similarly, soaking almonds removes the impurities present on their surface. Experts say that eating them with the peel can provide additional health benefits to the body.

Antioxidant Activation: Experts say that soaking almonds activates antioxidants such as polyphenols present in the peel. They play an important role in neutralizing free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and maintaining overall cellular health.

Rich in Phosphorus: Phosphorus is an important mineral present in almonds. Experts say that it increases further after soaking, contributing to bone health, dental care and various bodily functions.
Release of weight loss enzymes: Experts say that the process of soaking almonds stimulates the release of other enzymes including lipase. These play an important role in breaking down fat. Therefore, soaked almonds not only contribute to better metabolism but also help in weight loss.

As you have read, almonds, which are considered a storehouse of nutrients, have many health benefits when eaten soaked rather than raw. Therefore, experts recommend that consuming soaked almonds is more beneficial for health than eating raw almonds without soaking them.

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