Why do boys change after love marriage, know the reason now otherwise your marriage may break.
Love Marriage Tips: In love marriage, girls often complain that after marriage their husbands are not as emotional as before. Boys who are very emotional before marriage become more practical after marriage. Why does such a change occur? Let us know the reasons behind this.
Why are people emotional before marriage?
Let us tell you that before marriage, boys behave more emotionally to impress their partners. They make every possible effort to make their partner happy and try to understand their every emotion. During this time, their entire focus is on strengthening the relationship, due to which they express their emotions openly.
Why are there practicals after marriage?
At the same time, let us tell you that after marriage, many new responsibilities are added to life, due to which the behavior of boys becomes more practical. Its main reasons are:-
1. Increase in responsibilities:
After marriage, the pressure to improve the financial condition of the house and create a secure future increases. Boys keep emotions aside and start taking practical decisions.
2. Social Expectations:
Men are considered strong and practical in the society. This thinking inspires boys to hide their emotions and be practical.
3. Effect of routine life:
After marriage, relationships gradually turn into routine life. The emotional connect between work, home and other responsibilities starts decreasing.
4. Partner's Expectations:
After marriage, women expect a secure and stable life. To fulfill this expectation, boys' focus becomes more on career and future security.
Is this change wrong?
Let us tell you that this change is natural and also necessary. Priorities change in every phase of life. However, maintaining a balance between emotional and practical makes the relationship strong and happy.
How to maintain balance?
- Spend quality time.
- Make your partner realize how important they are.
- Give small surprises.
- Maintain open communication.
Apart from this, let us tell you that it is a normal process for boys to become practical after marriage. But, maintaining emotional bonds is equally important for a happy and strong relationship.
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