Why do pimples appear on the face after threading? learn to survive – ..

This happens due to the pressure exerted on the skin during threading, which causes irritation on the outer surface of the skin and small pimples start appearing. If the threads or other equipment used while threading are not clean, the bacteria present in them can come on the face. Which can cause acne.

During threading, the pores open up by removing the natural oil present on the outer layer of the skin. In such a situation, if dust or oil gets applied on the skin, the pores get clogged, due to which the possibility of skin rashes increases.

During threading, there is tension on the skin, which causes damage to the skin and causes irritation and rashes on the skin.

Apply antiseptic cream to the eyebrows immediately after threading. By doing this the possibility of any kind of bacterial infection on the skin is reduced. After threading, gently massage the face with ice. By doing this, skin irritation is reduced and the possibility of rashes and acne also reduces.

After threading, wash the face with rose water. This will not cause acne and the skin will not turn red. Applying ice cubes on the skin after applying moisturizer will reduce irritation and also reduce the risk of infection.

Avoid exposure to sunlight immediately after threading, this mistake can make the skin more sensitive.

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