Why does fat accumulate around the belly of women? Knowing the reason will change your bad habits: Women Belly Fat Reason

Women Belly Fat Reason: Despite all the efforts, diet and exercise, many times the fat accumulated around the stomach does not reduce. Especially women struggle more with the problem of weight gain around the stomach. Fat accumulated around the stomach does not only spoil the figure, but it also affects the overall health. There are two types of fat accumulated around the stomach. One is that which accumulates just below the skin, which can be reduced after a little effort. The second is the fat which is known as visceral fat. It accumulates around the organs present in the stomach. This fat can promote various problems like heart disease, diabetes, inflammation and cholesterol. Now the question arises that why does this fat accumulate around the stomach of women. What are the reasons for this. So let's know about it.

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lifestyle related reasons

Women Belly Fat Reason
Lifestyle related reasons

Many times, an unhealthy and unbalanced lifestyle works to imbalance your hormones, which you cannot ignore.

Sugar and Carb Intake

A diet rich in sugar and refined carbs can be a major contributor to belly fat. Consuming high amounts of sugar and carbs can spike blood sugar levels, boost insulin production and fat storage. Regular consumption of sugar can lead to obesity around the belly.

not getting enough sleep

Sleep is often overlooked by women when it comes to weight management. But poor sleep habits such as insufficient sleep and irregular sleep lead to rapid weight gain. A poor sleep pattern can disrupt hormone levels, increase appetite and cause weight gain, especially around the belly.

Lack of physical activity

Sometimes, due to lack of physical activity, fat starts accumulating around the stomach. Due to lack of any kind of activity, fat accumulates rapidly in the body. Therefore, health experts especially advise women to do abdominal exercises.

Hormone-related causes

Women accumulate more fat in their stomachsWomen accumulate more fat in their stomachs
hormone related reasons

The main reason for weight gain around the belly in women with age is hormonal imbalance. Weight can increase rapidly due to increase or decrease in hormones like estrogen and progesterone.


Due to the decrease in estrogen during menopause, fat around the stomach starts increasing. Estrogen is a hormone that helps control fat distribution. During menopause, estrogen accumulates more fat in the stomach than in other parts of the body. This increases the possibility of fat accumulation in the intestines.

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Insulin resistance

Insulin is a hormone that helps control blood sugar levels. Processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugary products promote insulin resistance. This type of food leads to rapid fat gain.

Stress and depression

When the level of stress in your body is high, your body releases stress and cortisol hormones. Due to the increase in hormones, the internal fat of the stomach starts increasing. It is formed around the middle part of the body and becomes apple shaped.

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