The Zodiac Sign Whose Manifestations Come True By The End Of September 2024, According To A Tarot Reader

Many zodiac signs have dreams or goals they are currently manifesting. For some, this might mean making tons of money, and for others, it might mean working on your overall wellness and sense of purpose.

Luckily, according to a tarot reader, one particular zodiac sign is about to see what they want most manifest into reality by the end of the September 2024.

A tarot card reader reveals the one zodiac sign whose manifestations will come true by the end of September 2024

“Now the reason why I say this is because this sign has the Queen of Wands, Emperor, and Two of Cups,” explains a tarot card reader who goes by Lightworker Whit. With these cards combined this zodiac sign isn’t just magnetic, but they’re also pursuing what they want as well.

They’re pursuing either their career or their self-growth journey with dedication and hard work. And whatever they’re working towards, know that the energy they’re putting in is about to come back tenfold.

So, which zodiac sign has the luckiest predictions according to Lightworker Whit’s tarot card reading? Most importantly, how will it play out before the end of this month?

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Aries is the zodiac sign whose manifestations come true by the end of September 2024


Aries getting ready to get whatever it is you want out of life, she revealed. The Two of Cups energy is matching your vibrational desires and is sending a message to the universe. “What they want, wants them. And while that’s true for all of us, this sign is in the most alignment.”

Next, when looking at the Queen of Wands, she revealed that Aries currently has a charming energy about them.

Yet, combined with the Emperor this gives off a determined energy based on perseverance. Which is great as life might’ve felt like it’s been knocking Aries down lately, but your continuous strength has built great resilience that will start to benefit you this September.

In September, Aries have a “get it by any means necessary” mentality. “They’re very determined (and) they’re gonna enlist the resources of everyone and anything to get what they want.” This trait aligns with Aries perfectly as Aries is already known to be an ambitious, determined, and resilient sign.

And with the Universe aligned with Aries’s core self, nothing will stand in their way.

Lightworker Whit also explained, “Aries have been laying low all summer. It’s not like they’ve been super quiet, but it’s not like they’ve been in the mix like they usually are.” And now that fall is approaching, they’re ready to open up and take themselves out of their shell.

“They’re ready to kind of emerge (like reemerge really). So congratulations Aries you’re the biggest manifester of 2024 September.”

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor’s in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.

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