3 Zodiac Signs See Hardships End September 30 – October 6, 2024

Three zodiac signs see their hardships finally come to an end the week of September 30 to October 6. During specific astrological moments, such as eclipses, miracles occur with greater frequency. But to see your own personal miracle, you must first surrender to trusting the divine plan for your life which means being able to see every single event that occurs as one that helps to propel you forward.

The lucky and abundant week ahead begins with the dance of Mercury and the Sun in Libra on Tuesday, October 1 as they form a Cazimi, sparking a new beginning. Release all the hardships that have already happened, stop second guessing your previous decisions, and truly smile as you feel refreshed and hopeful for all that is to come.

Mercury Cazimi’s effects will be intensified further with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra on Wednesday, October 2. With both celestial events occurring in Libra, there is a strong energy of being able to work together, finding balance in your life, and becoming your own peace. You will feel centered as you step forward to seize your divine fate, no matter what you have endured in the past.

Three lucky zodiac signs see their hardships come to an end the week of September 30 to October 6, 2024

1. Aquarius

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Dearest Aquarius, you are meant to live a life bigger than you can even imagine. You don’t have to leave behind the quiet life if that’s what you prefer, but you must honor the inner desires of your soul so that you can live your soul’s purpose. You have a unique way of approaching life, however when things go wrong, you often play it safe — even if it wasn’t the direction you are guided to take. To make the most of the redirection coming in now, tune back into that free spirited nature you are known for and trust that only you know the life you are meant to live.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra will peak on Wednesday, October 2 in your house of luck and abundance. While the current series of eclipses have been activating this part of your life since 2023, you are reaching a fruition point where you must choose to allow your life to expand and embrace new beginnings. Libra energy represents adventure and new experiences — but it also signifies that this isn’t a path you will go down by yourself and partnership will be key.

Whether it’s a romantic partner or even a professional one, this is confirmation that you will need the support of others as you make the radical choice to listen to your soul more intently. Let the fear and doubt subsideand trust, Aquarius, that you know in your soul what you are meant to experience and achieve in this lifetime.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes During The Week Of The Solar Eclipse From September 30 – October 6, 2024

2. Virgo

Virgo zodiac sign hardships end now and October 6 2024 Design: YourTango

No matter how many new beginnings the universe offers you, Virgo, never forget that you will also have to choose it. A new beginning from the universe comes across as an offer, or even redirection, but it’s also unexpected versus something you’re already working towards. It’s not enough to just surrender, you must consciously choose the new beginning. You are just wrapping up a lesson in manifesting a life of true value, and it doesn’t solely have to do with financial wealth. There is a newfound appreciation for the relationships in your life, your home, and even your ability to take time to rest and care for yourself. As you lean more into what matters most in life, you will finally understand why trusting the universe is so important in receiving abundance.

Mercury and the Sun will unite in Libra on Tuesday, October 1 highlighting your house of finances and self-worth. This is the place that has kickstarted your exploration into what it means to create a life that you truly value and to know that you are worthy of all you desire. Despite any recent financial struggles, you will now receive confirmation for all of your past efforts and choices.

Mercury and the Sun will bring about a positive financial turnaround in your life as you receive word about a bonus, raise, or even the acceptance of a business proposal which at one point felt like a risk. This offer will help you to generate the wealth that at one point was the most important aspect in your life, but now will simply serve as confirmation that the more you honor what matters most, the more you send out the energy of abundance which will only ever serve to attract even more goodness.

RELATED: How This Week’s Horoscope Impacts Each Zodiac Sign’s Life For The Next 6 Months After The Solar Eclipse

3. Capricorn

Capricorn zodiac sign hardships end now and October 6 2024 Design: YourTango

Make the choice to say yes to your dreams, Capricorn. You deserve the success and recognition you have always dreamed of and while it may have felt like a longer path to your achievements, you are precisely where you are meant to be. On Tuesday, October 1, Mercury Cazimi in Libra will bring in a new cycle and phase into your career and professional life. Although this can bring in additional opportunities and even offers for new employment, it is also about how you approach work and will help you embody the lessons of the current eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra.

During this phase you were guided to see that the professional success you often focus on can’t take priority over your own personal time and the relationships that you value most. So, while you may be hesitant to accept this new offer, especially if it feels like a greater time commitment, it is important that you allow yourself to see that you can have it all — you just need to choose it.

Mercury Cazimi represents the beginning of a brand-new Mercury phase, and in your career sector it means that you will also begin a new way of approaching your career and determination for a healthier work life balance. But to make the most of these opportunities, you also must trust in your ability to handle it. Not everything will arrive at the perfect time or in the way that you planned. You deserve career success, but you are also worthy of having that success in every facet of your life. Trust in your growth and allow yourself to reach even further for your dreams knowing that the miracle you’ve been hoping for is already on its way.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From Now To October 6


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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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