Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs On December 18, 2024

Behold, on December 18, 2024, the season of joy begins for three zodiac signs. The first cosmic hint comes in the form of Moon trine Mercury and it’s beautiful effects.

During Mercury transits, depending on how they are positioned, we tend to be very open and willing to allow joy to enter our hearts and lives. Mercury is in trine formation with the Moon, so we automatically see this is a harmonious and positive event.

While the world around us tells us this is the season to be jolly, there’s a universal truth behind it all. It has nothing to do with the holiday season or shopping sprees: we are entering a season of great joy and contentment, and for the three zodiac signs, the season is real.

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Three zodiac signs see joy return starting on December 18, 2024:

1. Taurus

Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

You didn’t think it would be possible, yet, here you are on December 18, and just about everything around you seems to be working out just fine. This adds to your sense of optimism and gives you hope for the future. You are just not ready to feel anything less than joyful.

No matter what goes on, you remain calm and at ease; you have this gut feeling that if you stick with what you know, then you can rise above any obstacle that may stand in your way, and with the transit of Moon trine Mercury, very few obstacles make themselves known to you.

You are a happy person, and while you may balk at the idea of admitting that aloud, the truth is, you are not interested in feeling down, as many people in your life seem to be. You can bring joy to these people with your good attitude, and knowing that you can do such things brings you joy in return.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs enter season joy december 18, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

December 18 provides you with a happy approach to the more difficult things in your life, which is not to say that things have been hard for you lately but are more temporarily frustrating. Of course, things feel frustrating; the holiday season and the world is in a mad rush to do things.

At this point, Scorpio, what’s best for you is to go at your own pace and use the forces of Moon trine Mercury to help you through the details. If you’ve got a lot on your plate, then know in your heart that everything will be done in its own time and that there’s nothing to worry about.

Moon trine Mercury brings to you the idea that it’s up to you whether or not you wish to experience the joy right in front of your face. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of the season kill your spirit; allow the joy to permeate your every cell, as it is there for you whenever you choose to let it in.

RELATED: Luck Favors 3 Zodiac Signs On December 18, 2024

3. Sagittarius

sagittatrius zodiac signs enter season joy december 18, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

You’ve discovered the key to joy, and as the season moves on, you find that nothing can touch your bliss state, Sagittarius. It’s one thing to fake a smile and another to know that sometimes, no smile is needed to feel and express your inner joy.

You’ve always been upfront and honest, which is why a transit like Moon trine Mercury does you well; you get to the point easily during this time and don’t feel as if you have to live up to expectations. Much is expected of all of us during this holiday season, and in your world, everything is in the right place at the right time.

Moon trine Mercury shows you that you can become a living example of what joy looks like on a human being without being a show-off or a pretender. The joy you feel is real and core deep; you have risen above the turmoil, and you’re not going backward.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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