Luck & Good Fortune Favor 3 Zodiac Signs From March 17 – 23, 2025
Three zodiac signs will attract luck and good fortune the week of March 17 – 23, 2025. Asteroid Juno will station retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, making attracting success a bit easier for all zodiac signs. While you initially may feel like rebelling against the slowness in your life, this is meant to be a time of reflection and learning to listen to your inner self.
Juno governs relationships and the agreements that dictate your life. While retrograde in Sagittarius, it’s important to look at the deeper meaning of your choices and the connections surrounding you to embrace a redirection toward good fortune.
Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20, offering a bright spot and a silver lining in a time with so many retrogrades. Aries Season is known for its inner boldness, courage, and leadership energy. While this season is often used to create new beginnings in your daily life, with the current retrogrades, you are directed to focus this energy inward.
Use Aries Season to approach your healing and past choices with the courage to face reality. You receive wisdom to understand what you can do differently to create luck.
On Friday, March 21, asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio to help initiate a discovery of truth. Asteroid Vesta joins Juno, Mercury, and Venus all retrograde. This is a valuable time for deeper understanding and redirection — but not for taking action.
Practice patience through this process and see how everything happening truly will serve your greatest good. You need to let yourself be in it, rather than figuring a way out in this moment, which will allow you to see that perhaps a silver lining exists after all.
Luck and good fortune favor three zodiac signs from March 17 – 23, 2025:
1. Pisces
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Open yourself up to the world, dear Pisces. You crave a life filled with good fortune, purpose, meaning, and magic. Recently, you’ve been focused on simply working hard and showing how committed you are to your dreams. While you’ve made incredible progress, you haven’t recently felt much magic of divine intervention in your life.
This will change as asteroid Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21. Asteroid Vesta represents your sacred flame, while in Scorpio, it carries a deeply spiritual meaning. This will allow you to reconnect with the divine, helping you see that magic is all around you.
A bigger story is playing out right now in your life, sweet Pisces. You currently have Venus and Mars retrograde in Aries, bringing up themes connected to self-worth and what you value. At the same time, asteroid Juno will station retrograde on March 19 in Sagittarius, kickstarting a new journey in your career.
As asteroid Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio, it will highlight your house of luck, signifying a new beginning in your life. Be sure you’re not underselling yourself during this time and truly moving as if you know exactly what you are worth.
2. Aries
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Invest in the relationship you have with yourself, sweet Aries. Your relationship with yourself will reflect all the luck and good fortune you can manifest or attract in this life. You can often be focused on taking external action in your life or thinking about how to move ahead at any cost.
Right now, slow down and see how the luck you seek first has to be found within before manifesting all you dream of. Choose to invest in yourself, Aries. Asteroid Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, in your house of abundance and purpose.
Asteroid Juno represents your romantic life, the relationships you invest in, and the agreements that help shape your life. In Sagittarius, you seek what resonates with your soul and what aligns with your truth. Once Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, you will be called to reflect on your relationship with yourself.
This is a time to invest in your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, you may also see some surprising benefits in your romantic life. This can help you understand that you truly are on the right path — yet that only becomes apparent once you decide to get right with yourself.
3. Leo
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
The experiences you encounter shape who you become, Leo. You may have felt like life has been quiet or stagnant. You’ve been quieter and introspective since the start of the year. This may have made you feel closed off from new experiences or forget who you truly are. While you are so focused on success in your personal and professional life, you must remember that it’s not just about the milestones you reach but the experience you allow yourself to have.
Try to see this time in your life as one for exploration rather than decisions and having to achieve a particular goal. You need experiences to quench your adventurous spirit, Leo. This is the time to open yourself to all the luck and good fortune the universe offers.
Aries Season begins on Thursday, March 20, bringing the power of the Sun to your house of luck and adventure. While Mercury and Venus are currently retrograde in Aries, this can work to your advantage as you can tune back into what is important to you. You must start listening to your inner self and any regrets that surface. In this place, you will understand what it means to be your full, authentic self.
The Sun governs external choices and actions that you take. Although you may need to wait until the second half of the Aries Season to see your dreams manifest, now is the perfect time to experience life again. Do what resonates with your heart, take a chance, and trust that, eventually, you will know what you are meant to do.
Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
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