The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On January 25, 2025
The universe is reaching out with a specific message for four zodiac signs on January 25, 2025, and the information is clear and informative. Astrology lets us in on a little hint: during the transit of Venus trine Mars, we face obstacles head-on and win the battle.
This battle has been a long time in the making, and for the four zodiac signs that decide to stand strong and not let negative influences take overthis day will be filled with shouts of victory. We are leaving this day feeling proud of ourselves. All is working as planned.
The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on January 25, 2025:
1. Taurus
Tais Bernabe | Canva pro
Someone you love will be making some very bold moves to be near you, and this could be a romantic interest or a family member. It’s not so much about romantic love as it is about genuine love and interest, and what this person does is a definite and very specific message from the universe.
If, for some reason, you are feeling alone, you will come to know that you are not. If you thought no one was thinking of you. On January 25, during the transit of Venus trine Mars, you are being thought of and considered important.
This specific message from the universe is meaningful for you, Taurus. It proves you were wrong in all the right ways. The universe alleviates your loneliness and lets you know that love wins over everything.
2. Gemini
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If there’s a specific message from the universe to pick up, it’s the one that shows you that the person you thought had the least amount of consideration for you has the most. This is a strange and wonderful kind of day, as Venus trine Mars is a strange and wonderful cosmic event.
You’ll see that you are not alone, but this other person seems to be reaching out to you in ways you weren’t expecting. Something must have happened; they are now quite aware of you and want you to know it.
People forget the petty reasons why arguments last so long during Venus trine Mars, and simply toss aside their attitudes and opt for friendliness, true love, and the expression of that love. It’s a beautiful and warm day for you, Gemini.
3. Virgo
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During Venus trine Mars on January 25, you realize that your friend is not the fool you might have thought them to be. If you call this person ‘friend,’ then you must trust them, as they are quite perceptive and know when you are keeping things from them.
This is where the Mars aspect of the transit comes into play, but it’s there for a reason. It’s the universe’s way of telling you that friends are gold and that you must not treat them in a way that makes them feel like fools. If this friend calls you out, take the lesson and move on.
On January 25, you learn how valuable friendship is and open your heart to trust. Your connection with this valuable person becomes whole again, and love saves the day.
4. Sagittarius
Tais Bernabe | Canva pro
What feels like a very specific message from the universe comes to you as a welcome feeling of detachment. While you are not ready to detach from the world entirely and sit on a rock somewhere in the Himalayas, you are ready to shut down emotionally.
Some might read this specific message from the universe as a regression; for you, it’s a vacation. Enough Mars energy has made you feel like you need a vacation. This is how you win the battle; you retreat into a safe space where you cannot be hurt.
This is not defeat; this is how you prepare yourself for the next stage. A little downtime from the emotional onslaught is what you need, and Venus trine Mars provides this space for you. Here, you will heal and rise again, stronger for the struggle.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
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